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Monday, December 26, 2011

The Tyler Group | Investment strategy :: elizdronn's blog | RedGage

Each of the decisions we make are based on our research process. Over the years we have successfully adapted to a changing financial climate and new methodologies in investing.

Investment Strategy

The research process is governed by principles. Principles that must be followed to the letter, no short cuts can be taken. By doing this, we give ourselves the best advantage when taking on an investment opportunity.

Our research process has seen returns on investments year on year. The process we have formed has given us an advantage in the market place, and has been one of the main reasons for our success.

We can identify any investment opportunities and confidently speculate whether it has the potential to fulfill growth.

When we find the right company, we can help them achieve their growth by letting them use our ability to help strengthen the weaker areas in the company.

Friday, December 9, 2011

The Tyler Group | Our Expert Team

We have companies in our portfolio that show continued growth over the long-term, our professionals are expected to ensure that the right advice is given to our clients.
Our Expert Team
Having the right knowledge when offering advice is the bedrock of our success. Much of this success is down to thorough due diligence paired with years of experience.

Offering advice to our clients is priceless to their success; it allows them to know that we are working for them. We nurture clients to grow at a pace needed without over reaching resources, providing a stable environment for the future.

The Tyler Group | Corporate Mission

Each of our professionals is expected to do their best for our partners, anything less than the expected requirements is not tolerated by the company.
Corporate Mission
We will show a healthy interest in our clients ambitions; our team will support and provide the right knowledge and tools with the aims of adding growth.

Our clients can rest assured that we have their interests at heart and that we will not do anything to the detriment of their company.

Establishing that we reach the goals and aims for our clients comes down to our company working as a team. Being a boutique company we have less red tape and can move more dynamically than the larger corporations. This advantage means we are focused in our approach to all our business dealings.

The Tyler Group | What We Do

The Tyler Group